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Marriage in Paeonia

In Paeonia, the process of the wedding started several days earlier. On Wednesday there was the call of guests. On Thursday, the bride spread out in a room her dowry for the relatives and friends to admire and during that evening, the first feast was held. On the same day the groom, escorted by relatives went to the home of the best man to arrange for the final procedures of the marriage.

On Friday, relatives of the groom took the "wedding bun" along with gifts to the bride.

On Saturday evening the festivities began in both houses with lots of music and feasting.

On Sunday morning, the bride’s dowry was transported to the groom's house and at noon the shaving of the groom took place along with music. The groom, his relatives and the best man went to the bride's house to take her and escort her to the church.

After the coronation, the newlyweds went to the groom's house where the feasting and dancing followed, while the friends of the groom burned his mother’s kerchief.

After the Sunday's wedding, it was customary for the bride to go to the village’s fountain holding a copper pot that had various coins and when she was rinsing it the coins fell in the fountain that youngsters who were gathered there picked up.

Copyright @ Enjoy Kilkis 2014